Highway 7 Study from Bruce Creek to Mount Joy Creek
Undertake a Study, including 3D visualization, of lands immediately fronting Highway 7 from Bruce Creek to Mount Joy Creek, with the goal of developing a comprehensive and integrated vision that supports a complete community, economic vitality, built form compatibility, fosters social and cultural vibrancy, enhances connectivity and accessibility, and promotes sustainable transportation.
Highway 7 Corridor - Bruce Creek to Mount Joy Creek
NOTICE OF MOTION: Highway 7 Study from Bruce Creek to Mount Joy Creek
Moved by: Regional Councillor Jim Jones
Seconded by: Ward 4 Councillor Karen Rea
WHEREAS Markham is committed to promoting sustainable growth, complete communities and development in a manner that enhances the quality of life for its residents and supports the local economy; and
WHEREAS the current state of Highway 7 does not adequately support pedestrian and transit-friendly environments; and
WHEREAS there is a need to revitalize Highway 7 to enhance the quality of life for residents and visitors alike; and
WHEREAS the vision for Highway 7 includes the development of mixed-use buildings with a pedestrian friendly environment to ensure sunlight and air reach the street level and to respect existing established neighbourhoods; and
WHEREAS Markham has many standalone commercial buildings and strip malls along major roads that may eventually be redeveloped, and this study can serve as a guide for other locations when applications are submitted to covert these areas into higher density and mixed-use developments; and
WHEREAS a comprehensive Study of Highway 7 would provide critical information and insight into the existing challenges, such as existing low rise residential homes and viable opportunities for the Highway 7 corridor, as well as potential strategies for addressing issues and outlining intensification and redevelopment opportunities along an arterial road where a bus-rapid system is planned for the future; and
That Council direct City Staff to undertake a Study, including 3D visualization, of lands immediately fronting Highway 7 from Bruce Creek to Mount Joy Creek, with the goal of developing a comprehensive and integrated vision that supports a complete community, economic vitality, built form compatibility, fosters social and cultural vibrancy, enhances connectivity and accessibility, and promotes sustainable transportation; and
That the study consider appropriateness of ground floor retail, restaurant, office and other compatible uses along the corridor to help promote economic growth and street-level vibrancy; and
That the study consider appropriate floor plates for buildings along the corridor; and
That the Study develop principles and guidelines for built form and complete streets to support a transit and pedestrian friendly environment and encourage community interaction; and
That the Study be conducted in consultation with all stakeholders, including local residents, businesses, community organizations, Heritage Markham, and other interested parties, to ensure that the vision and strategies reflect the needs and priorities of the community; and
That the Study include a thorough analysis of existing land use patterns, zoning regulations, transportation infrastructure, existing public space and amenities, streetscape improvements, public space design and economic development initiatives; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby endorses the reimagining of Highway 7 as a vibrant, pedestrian and transit-friendly corridor, similar to the photograph attachment and that the City of Markham allocate the necessary resources and funding to support the Study; and
That Staff be directed to report back to Development Services Committee with a work plan including required resources, staffing and timing to undertake the Study; and
That the Development Services Committee be used for regular meetings to advance the Study.