Council Motions

Highway 7 Study from Bruce Creek to Mount Joy Creek
Highway 7 Study - Undertake a Study, including 3D visualization, of lands immediately fronting Highway 7 from Bruce Creek to Mount Joy Creek, with the goal of developing a comprehensive and integrated vision that supports a complete community, economic vitality, built form compatibility, fosters social and cultural vibrancy, enhances connectivity and accessibility, and promotes sustainable transportation.
Outdoor patios by-law review
The Council of the City of Markham direct Planning staff to review the city’s current approach to seasonal outdoor patios that includes determining whether the Site Plan Control By-law requirement for outdoor patios is necessary; And that the report be brought forward to Development Services Committee on or before May 23, 2024.
Blue Box Motion
The Council of the City of Markham hereby requests that the province amend Ontario Regulation 391/21, Blue Box so that producers are responsible for the end-of-life management of recycling products from all sources.
The Government of Ontario has refused to address the concerns of the City in relation to the TOC (transit-oriented communities) proposal at Bridge Station (in Langstaff, Yonge St. & Hwy 7). On April 14th right before the long weekend, the Minister issued an enhanced ministers zoning order (MZO), essentially removing the city from having any say on how this location is to be built. To implement the TOC, the Province wants the City to sign an agreement in principle (AIP) which we have refused at this time.
Metrolinx – housing on Snider Drive
We are in a housing crisis, and Metrolinx is asking to demolish two houses it owns at 48 and 50 Snider Drive. The City is asking Metrolinx to re-evaluate and donate them to York Region or a non-profit organization to be used for housing, or place the homes for sale with potential buyers completing necessary renovations. This would allow the homes to be utilized.
Bylaw Enforcement Services
October 18, 2021, General Committee Meeting – Councillor McAlpine and I moved a motion for staff to report back with recommendations to improve bylaw enforcement services. Staff are asked to commission an independent third-party report and recommendations that address and number of important topics such as best practices, organization, staffing, pro-active vs. reactive enforcement, cost and more.
Vacant Housing Tax
July 14, 2021 – Councillor McAlpine and I moved a motion asking staff to investigate the feasibility of implementing a vacant tax in Markham, similar to the City of Ottawa, Vancouver and Toronto. This would help increase the housing supply by making vacant homes available for rent or sale, which means people will actually live in them.
Lobbyist Registry
July 13, 2021 – Transparency and fairness are paramount with respect to all functions of the City of Markham. The issue of a Lobbyist Registry was first raised 11 years ago and Council has failed to make a decision in favour of, or against, the establishment of a Lobbyist Registry and the appointment of a Lobbyist Registrar. This motion is for staff to update the old report including actions for Council, and present to the General Committee of council no later than December 1, 2021.
LDD Moth
Areas of Markham are experiencing LDD Moth infestation. This motion is asking staff to review and report back all options to control the infestation and manage future years of this cycle. We had a good discussion about the issue and staff will be coming back in about 7-10 days with a further update on any and all options on what can be done and what we can do proactively to help mitigate going forward, as this could be a 1-4 year cycle and we could be in year 2 of the cycle.
Fencing Behind Hwy 407 - Rougehaven & Schouten Crescent
The City asked the province to take responsibility to regrade and build a new wall similar to others along the 401 Highway that protects for safety, noise and pollution, and asked that the Province and the 407ETR agree to ensure that this is maintained in the future.
Term Limits
The Province should consult with all stakeholders and look at implementing term limits for all elected officials. Public service is a component of a healthy democracy and limiting how long one can sit on Council would create greater interest in Municipal Government and allow for more ideas by new leaders on how to improve our communities. Three term limits (12 years) and a member should either stand down or seek the office of an alternate position.
Litter Prevention
Residents have complained about items blowing out of their blue boxes. The City has asked the Region to purchase a bag breaker in order to allow tinted blue bags for recycling items.
OMB Reform
Elected Officials from different Municipalities worked together to ask the Province to make the necessary changes to reform the OMB (Ontario Municipal Board). Through the work that we did, the OMB has been replaced with the new Land Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT), which will now allow Council more control over development applications.
Election of York Regional Chair
City of Markham passed a motion for the direct election of the Regional Chair.
I made a deputation at Queens Park. Residents should have the right to vote on who becomes the Chair of York Region.